It is a good idea for those who are on Study Permit and want to work and permanently live in Canada to actively pursue their studies in the selected program of studies in a Designated Learning Institution in Canada, complete the credential and apply for a work permit. However, if you want to apply for work permit before the completion of your studies OR without completing your studies, it will depend on the level of studies you are at the material time.
Working while studying
If you are a student at a designated learning institution (DLI) in Canada and pursuing full time studies, you may be eligible to work part time (up to 20 hours a week) while studying and full time during a scheduled break. You can only start working in Canada when your study program has started. You cannot work before you start your studies. You need not apply separately to work while studying. Your study permit will carry the condition allowing you to work in Canada while studying. However, if it is NOT indicated on your study permit allowing you to accept employment in Canada, you can get your study permit amended before you start working.
If you’re on an authorized leave from your studies, or you’re switching schools and you’re not studying, you can’t work off campus. You can only return to work once you’re back to studying.
During regular school terms/semesters, you can work up to 20 hours per week working more than 1 job as long as you continue to meet the conditions of your study permit. During Scheduled breaks such as winter and summer holidays or a fall or spring reading week, you can work more adding higher than usual number of hours. If your program doesn’t have scheduled breaks, you can only work up to 20 hours per week.
You can’t work during a break that comes before you start your very first school semester. You are responsible to keep track of hours you worked and complying with the conditions of your study permit by actively pursuing your studies, not working more than 20 hours per week and meeting any other conditions listed on your study permit.
Working after your complete your studies
On completion of your full-time studies at a designated learning institution in Canada, you may be eligible to apply for Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP). You can apply for PGWP within 180 days from the date of issue of course completion certificate from overseas or within Canada. Post-Graduation Work Permit is not employer specific and is known as open work permit allowing the holder to work full time, in any role, with any employer and anywhere in Canada. The validity of PGWP ranges from 8 months to three years matching the duration of program of studies completed by you.
Applying for Work Permit before completing program of studies
If you want to apply for Work Permit before completing your credential, barring rare exceptions, you will need a Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) issued by ESDC to a Canadian Employer. LMIA establishes that the employer was unable to fill that position with a permanent resident or Canadian Citizen. LMIA based work permits are employer, job and location specific. Unlike Open Work Permit, LMIA based work permit does not allow the holder to work with any other employer than specified on the work permit.
It is important to note that once you stop studying, your study permit will no longer be considered valid, and you will need to notify IRCC about your terminating studies. If you are without status in Canada, you must leave the country while waiting a decision on your work permit application.
If you have any question regrading study permit, post-graduation work permit, permanent residency option or any other immigration matter, please contact Fastway Immigration & Visa Services at Phone No. +1 (780) 669-9779, we will get back to you ASAP.